
Jswalker is extra ordinary framework which is not built under limited set-of-task instead of it is built as feature need with stability

Jswalker Essential?

Visit for complete feature stack here

Jswalker is built upon two key principle

  • Stability : Whatever happen jswalker did not crash although jswalker use memory management very well(in the sense of database connection too) jswalker still provide 24*7 service even after changing source code unless there is no run-out memory fault(System memory limited resource)
  • Control : Control Configuration,Control Web flow,Control everything that project need to act as framework and to avoid security breaches.
Other MVC framework will show only flaunt-features which inbuilt by system not provide any additional features.

Don't Go by Branding , Go By Features

Jswalker will follow own approach based on own princial of Modern Web Application development Jswalker framework comprise two part(Configuration + Visual dashboard to control )

Configural Part

Feature Score Stability Maintainability Progress % Status
Configuration 4 90% Stable : Need enhancement
Cluster 5 100% Super Stable
Authentication 4 90% Stable:Need enhancement
Database(Mysql) 4 90% Stable
URL Rule 3 70% Enhancement
Uglify+Minify - Included Static: Native Grunt
Glance 3 70% Static
Tracing fault 5 95% Super stable
Redis - Included Stable:(Native)
Memory Tracing 4 85% Stable
MongoDb 1 60%(Native) Abandon(Not much use)
Multi-Db-Multi-Flavour 4 90% Stable

Visual Part(Control)

Feature Score Stability Maintainability Progress % Status
Security in remote execution 5 100% Super Stable
Squeezer 5 100% Super Stable
File Tracking 4 90% Stable:Need enhancement
Database 4 80% Stable
SQL Executor 4 80% Stable:(Native)
Mysql Backup 4 80% Static
Memory usage 4 90% Stable
Database Diff Tracking 5 95% Super stable

Best fit for

  • Realtime application
  • Robust API system
  • E-Commerece Application
  • VOIP Service