
[Invitation Code Require] I have my old fingerprint

PeerCynk is private platform,But you can request-for-invitation code by direct message via Twitter Or your account looks good,Access code will be granted.,Only authentic community members are welcomed.Please do read White-Paper on PeerCynk

If you have any kind of enquiry and your issue falls into the categories listed below,Please act according that.

  • 1. No Resource should announce(Meta info) which put the sovereignty of India at risk.In this case on behalf of "Union Of india" Join-Secretary rank official can submit the information about the breach of the Clause (2) in Article 19 with the subject line about 'Sovereignty of india' and submit your concern on this email.
  • 2. Do not announce(Meta info) any kind of copyright material.If you found any copyright material on PeerCynk that you hold rights.Please contact through Your business email and submit all the necessary detail here with subject line 'Copyright issue'.
  • 3. If you found any objectionable or malicious information frequently from one source please submit your concern with Direct Message via twitter Or if sender breaches any of the following clauses.
    • 1.Sender submit wrong information intentionally
    • 2.Sender rapidly updating the information
    • 3.Sender providing a unlawful resource/information

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